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Archive for the "Back-to-School" Category

Back-to-School Routine Tips

July 24, 2024
By Brittany W. Kelley, LCSW, School Counselor

Hello STM families!

I hope you have all had a fun and relaxing summer. I wanted to share a few tips as we get ready to start our new school year in a few short weeks!

  • Start introducing school routines two weeks before the beginning of the new academic year. Easing into earlier bed and waking times makes for a much smoother first few days. We all know that well rested children are happier and ready to learn!
  • To ease any back-to-school jitters, make sure to include your student in all of the preparations for the new year. For example, let them be an active shopper for their school supply list. Having them take responsibility for crossing items off the list can give a child an appropriate sense of control in a new situation. This can lead to more confidence when facing the normal worries of entering a new classroom and meeting teachers/peers.  
  • Another thing to remember is to take the time to listen to your child. Let them talk to you about the excitement or fears they have about returning to school. Allowing your student to express their feelings will help them work through whatever is causing the expected back-to-school worries.

I look forward to greeting you all on the first day of school!  

Posted in Back-to-School

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